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Surgery Services

We provide a full range of general practice services and we offer our patients specialist advice and support in the following areas.

Long Term Conditions and Synchronisation

Most check-ups are done annually in the month of your birthday, but may be six monthly if deemed necessary by the GP.  This may be preceded by a blood test either annually or before every check up and an annual urine test.

If you have multiple Long Term Conditions we will synchronise your reviews, inviting you in the month of your birthday.

We will contact you to arrange these reviews.

Travel Advice

Before travelling abroad we encourage you to find out what vaccinations and malaria cover you may need.

Please complete our online form giving details of your plans. One of our healthcare team will then get in touch to discuss your needs.

Family Planning

All doctors are available to advise on the complete range of family planning. Dr Andrews can perform coil fittings and Implanon insertion. 6 monthly pill checks may be performed alternately with the practice nurse and doctor.

Confidential contraceptive advice is available for all age groups. For emergency contraception please contact the surgery as soon as possible.

Cervical Smears

Women between the ages of 25 – 64 should have these done routinely. These can be carried out by the nurses and the current recall schedule is shown below:

  • Age 25 – 49: Screened every three years.
  • Age 50 – 64: Screened every five years.
  • Age 65+: Only screen those who have not been screened since age 50 or have had recent abnormal tests.
  • Women aged 65 or over who have had 3 consecutive negative smears are taken out of the recall programme. If you would like to request additional screening over this age please contact the Cervical Screening Administration Team.

Minor Surgery

Our team perform small minor surgical procedures, including skin excisions, cryotherapy and joint injections.


Patients have access to care from a physiotherapist which can be booked directly through the receptionist at Mere surgery.

Extended Care Team

Our Extended Care Team is made up of Care Coordinators and Social Prescribers. They offer support in the community to those managing complex care needs, who are struggling at home or suffering from social isolation.

Health and Wellbeing Coaching

Our Health and Wellbeing Coaches support people who are looking to manage their long term health conditions, or help those at risk of developing them, to make changes to their lifestyle.

They are experts in behaviour change and focus on working with people to improving health outcomes.

Hospital Based Specialist Services

We are privileged to host some specialist services at the surgery, helping to save you unecessary trips to the hospital.

These include a monthly Muskuloskeletal Physiotherapy Clinic and the Diabetic Specialist Nursing Team.

Staff from these services run their own appointment system. They will contact you if they need you to make an appointment.


If you are registered with us you can be seen by the midwives at the local Community Hub. This is based at The Nadder Centre, in Tisbury.

The midwives run their own appointment system. If you would like to register your pregnancy with the service you can do so using their online booking form. Other contact details are available on their website.


We follow NHS guidance on vaccinations as we believe the benefits far outweigh any risks.

The NHS website provides information about vaccinations, who can get them, and safety and side effects.

NHS vaccinations and when to have them